Tūmār (8) - Broken Ladder (3) The Hyperbolic Account of al-Bukhārī A Critique of Sīrat al-Bukhārī by Mubārakfūrī The Scholarly Circle of Bukhari: From Reality to Exaggeration

Document Type : pajoohesh




The Myth of Bukhara is an extensive study that critiques the exaggerated portrayal of the figure of Bukhari, the author of Al-Jāmiʿ al-Ṣaḥīḥ, by contemporary Salafi scholars. These scholars have resorted to exaggeration regarding Bukhari’s scholarly status in contrast to the critical approach to Bukhari. This study is part of the larger work The Myth of Bukhara and specifically critiques Sīrat al-Bukhārī by Abdal-Salam Mubārakfūrī, one of the primary sources of the book Al-Ṭu'ūn wa Shubahāt al-Shīʿah al-Imāmīyah ḥawl Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī wa al-Radd 'alayhā, which is the latest and most prominent Salafi work defending Bukhari. In the conclusion of his book, Mubārakfūrī describes Bukhari’s scholarly circle as having characteristics of authenticity and fame, widespread across the Abbasid state, with diverse and comprehensive teachings, the attendance of 20,000 students, and the participation of intellectual elites in Islamic sciences. The outcome of Mubārakfūrī's argument is the unparalleled and incomparable nature of Bukhari’s scholarly circle, which, like his book Al-Jāmiʿ al-Ṣaḥīḥ, is irreplaceable. This article, using a critical analysis approach, reveals the flaws, challenges, and shortcomings in Mubārakfūrī’s portrayal of Bukhari’s scholarly circle. It uncovers the underlying motives, hidden goals, and ideological causes behind Mubārakfūrī’s exaggerated portrayal, proving that this image represents one of the most prominent examples of exaggeration in his work.
