A Critique of Mr. Zahedpour's Article on the Critique of Mohammad Ali Kousha's Farsi Translation on the Qur’an

Document Type : pajoohesh




In issue 199 of the Journal "Ayeneh Pazhuhesh," an article by Mr. Ali Zahedpour on the critique of Professor Kousha's translation of the Quran was published. Following the publication of his article, a critique of his article was published in issue 201 of the "Ayeneh Pazhuhesh" journal, and in issue 203 of the same journal, a paper by the Quranic scholar, Dr. Nader Ali Ashouri Talouki, titled "Reflections on the Review and Critique of Mohammad Ali Kousha's Translation of the Quran," was published, which contained many important points regarding the etiquette and style of critique in the field of Quran translation. However, after the publication of these two critiques, in issue 204 of the journal, an article titled "A Fresh Look at Mohammad Ali Kousha's Quran Translation and Its Two Defenses" by Mr. Ali Zahedpour was published, in which he attempted to respond to the two critiques written on his previous article and also addressed other aspects of Professor Kousha's Quran translation in another part of his article. This current article is a response to the critique and the second article by Mr. Ali Zahedpour.
