Speculation about the Author of "Baḥr al-Fawāid"




  Baḥr al-Fawāid is an ancient Persian text written by an unknown author in the form of a brief encyclopedia of religious sciences and teachings of his time. In the text and manuscripts of the book, no trace of the author's name can be seen and previous researchers, including its editor Mohammad Taghi Daneshpajooh, have not been able to identify him. The author of the present article, by following the clues that the text of the book provides in order to identify the identity of its author, such as his religion and religious beliefs and the time of the writing of the book in the middle of the sixth century AH in Syria, and using other internal and external evidence, has speculated about the identity of the author of Baḥr al-Fawāid and has suggested one of the Shafi'i jurists living in the Syria named Qutbuddīn Neyshābūrī (505-578 AH) as its possible author.
