Fahmī Jad’ān and his Intellectual System

Document Type : pajoohesh




Fahmī Jad’ān is a contemporary modernist who has experienced the scientific atmosphere of the Islamic world and the West. Many of his writings express a system of thought that relies on methodological and epistemological modernity based on rationality and interpretive method. His approach to reviewing the heritage is to use the comprehensive rational method and rely on justice and social liberalism. While considering heritage as historical, he considers the use of the reason-based interpretive method in reading and interpreting the revealed text as the only way to meet the requirements of the time. Criticizing contemporary one-dimensional thought systems such as Islamism, secularism, liberalism, Jad’ān suggests the multidimensional rational method, which focuses on the present world and heritage, and argues that justice of true Islam, along with the rationality of secularism alongside the freedom of liberalism can advance the Islamic world. According to Jad’ān, Islam is a religion based on justice and freedom, and political Islam is a heretical view. Despite all his efforts as a researcher, Jadaan has sometimes strayed from the scientific and realistic perspective. The theoretical structure of his thought, despite its internal harmony, in practice suffers from unresolved contradictions. His rationalism is based on Western society and ignores the lack of rational support in Arabic culture.
