Bibliography of Commentaries of Khāqanī's Poems

Document Type : pajoohesh




The poems of Afḍal-ud-Dīn al-Badīl ibn Ali Khāqanī have always been described as solid and difficult. These difficulties arise from the interaction of two wonderful elements: One of them is Khāqanī’s extensive knowledge and the other is his prominent talent and imagination, both of which when mixed together can lead to the creation of outstanding prose and poem. In order to decipher and interpret these difficulties, various commentaries have been written in the past, some of which have not reached us. Such efforts, of course, have been accelerated in the contemporary period and the present century and several works have been written in the description of Khāqanī's Poems. Undoubtedly, knowledge of these sources is of special importance in studying about Khāqanī' and literary research, so in this article, we have tried to introduce the commentaries of each of Khāqanī’s one hundred and thirty-two poems.
