Environment and Kindness to Animals from Allameh Sayyid Ja'far Morteza Ᾱmeli's Point of View

Document Type : pajoohesh




In the forthcoming article, the author examines Ja'far Morteza Ᾱmali's views on the environment and nature while emphasizing on the animals' rights and being kind to them. To this end, he first explores Allame's general view on the urban environment, and then explores the issue of animals' rights and kindness with them and expresses Ja'far Morteza Amali's views on this subject through his other works such as al-Sahih men Sira al-Nabi al-A'zam. Finally, the author states some general features of the animals, such as their morality, wisdom and worshipping from Ja'far Morteza's  point of view, and presents his reflections on the Prophet and the infallible Imams' hadiths about kindness to animals in the form of 113 points.
