How They Punish Ambitious People?

Document Type : pajoohesh




Abu at-Tayyib al-Mutanabbi is one of the most controversial culture–leaders in Arabic language and Islamic civilization, and his words have always been discussed and studied by others. Despite the numerous books and annotations about his poetry and character, there are still many unsaid things. Tanbih Zawi al-Hemam ala Ma’ākhez Abi al-Tayib min al- She’r va al-Hikam by Abdulaziz Bizāwi, includes some of the annotations and commentaries of Mutanabbi’s Divan. In the present article, in order to evaluate the work overally, the author has studied and criticized this book, which has been published by Library, Museum and Document Center of Iran Parliament along with the research of Sādeq Khorshā, Ganjiyān Khannāri
and Ghorbāni Mādwāni in 2018.
