An Interview with Dr. Joep Lameer

Document Type : pajoohesh



Dr. Joep Lameer is among the most prominent Western scholars who have been studying Islamic logic for many years. His two most important works in this area include his PhD dissertations on Farabi›s logic titled «Farabi and Aristotelian Theories: Greek Theory and Islamic Application », and the English translation of Mulla Sadra›s treatise Tasawur wa Tasdīq which won the World Book Award of Republic Islamic of Iran. Correcting Rukn od-Din Jurjāni›s Arabic translation of Khāje Nasīr ed-Din Toosi›s Akhlāq-e Nāseri, and the English translation of Karl Brockelmann›s History
of Arabic Literature are his most recent works. The present text is a written form of an interview that has been held in Tehran on Tuesday, May 5th, 2012, with Dr. Joep Lameer. The interview was conducted in Persian and is presented here after going through some minor editorial changes.