Tahsīl on-Nijāt fi Osool ed-Dīn by Fakhrolmuhaqiqīn Introducing the Manuscript and the Bibliography

Document Type : pajoohesh



Tahsīl on-Nijāt fi Osool ed-Dīn, by Fakhrolmuhaqiqīn (682—771 A.H.), is written about the principles of Islamic beliefs. This book is produced at the request of Nāsireddīn Hamze bin Hamze bin Muhammad bin al-Alavi al-Husseini, and is written down by Seyyed Ghiyāthoddīn Abdulkarīm (death, 770 AH) who is one of Allāme Helli’s five nephews. The only surviving copy of this book, which has been identified in Iran, belongs to the University of Tehran, No. 1771. This version has become wet, so some of its pages, words, and sentences are not readable and this makes it difficult to correct the work. 
