In the form of the fifth article of a series of publications titled “Skimming Manuscripts”, the author has scrutinized the texts of several manuscripts. These texts are as follow: - The dominance of Greek natural philosophy on Muslim practical morality - Writing an Astronomical Newspaper for Tughrul: Mokhtasarnāme (Brief Description) - An Anecdote from Kāshif al-Ghatā on a beggar from Samarra and what happened to him - A chronogram of a historical building - Two texts on repairing the dome of Imam Reza (AS) after the earthquake of 1084 in Khorasan - An ode paid as a tribute to the Safavid Shah Suleiman - A different note about the Imams from a Sufi text of the eighth /ninth century AH - What is the meaning of seeing a coffin in the dream? - Hajj Mohammad Karimkhān, leader of Shaikhie, telegraph and hypnosis - Report of Yusuf Khan Kashgari’s attack to Estarābād, severe earthquake in Bābol and several other stories in 1222 - Discovery of a tile in Roodāvar of Hamedān in 1292 - The chronogram of discovery of America