A Scholarly Debate, an Appropriate Model, a Forgotten Necessity A Report of Does God Exist? Craig and Flow Debate

Document Type : pajoohesh



Does God Exist consists of a scholarly debate between two prominent and conflicting figures of theism and atheism. In this book, William Leen Craig, as a theologian and a theist, has debated Antony Flow, Who is a philosopher and atheist. The text of this debate has been given to eight philosophers of religion every one of whom has expressed his opinion about it. Craig and Flow have studied these comments and at the end of their book summarized their views about the critics' ideas. The result is a book composed of 12 chapters and 230 pages. In the present study, the author is going to give a report of the book, and discusses Craig's quintuple proofs for confirming the existence of God, such as cosmological argument, teleological argument, moral argument, the argument of the miracle of the resurrection of Jesus, and religious experience argument.  Finally, he explains how Antony Flow deals with Craig’s arguments.
