A Treatise Blaming the Judge in Kashan by Mohammad Hosein Hasani Hoseini Yazdi Kashani

Document Type : pajoohesh



In the present study, the author has an analytical review on a critical essay, written in Safavid period. This essay is in fact an explanation by Mohammad Hosein Hasani Yazdi Kāshāni about the judge in Kāshān. This essay, whose basis is complaining about the judge in Kāshān, talks about the necessary characteristics of a good judge; besides, it is going to emphasize, seriously and humorously, the lack of these features in the mentioned judge. The author believes that, one can know more about the critical literature of Safavid period, justice system, and its process of that period through an analytical study of the essay from different aspects such as author, his finding faults with judge in Kāshān, the content of the essay, and its different parts. 
