Having a Look at the Kalāmi Writings (1) Allāme Helli’s Nahj al-Mustashridīn fi Osūl al-Din and its Explications

Document Type : pajoohesh



“Having a look at Kalāmi Writings” is a general title for a set of series of notes which are going to be published in order to define and re-introduce the heritage of Islamic theology. The author of these notes tries to introduce the important Kalāmi texts of various Islamic sects, especially Shia School, and study their different aspects. He also speaks of the structure and content of these texts; and explain about their place as well as their importance in the system of Kalāmi writings. Finally, he describes different editions of these texts and analyzes them. The author in his first article of the mentioned series is going to scrutinize Allāme Helli’s Nahj al-Mustashridīn fi Osūl al-Din and its explications.
