Reviving the Wisdom of the Qur’an: a Journey through Baiān al-Forqān

Document Type : pajoohesh



One of Sheikh MojtabāQazvini’s works is Baiān al-Forghān, which is in five volumes. The first volume of the book titled Baiān al-Forghān fi TowhÐdal-Qur’an is about the Qur’anicTowhÐd (monotheism in the Qur’an) and its difference with monotheism in philosophy and mysticism. Having considered the importance of this book in the explanation of divine teachings, the author has tried to provide a report of it in the present article. Regarding this, he, firstly, talks about the structure and the compilation of the book; and then discusses the content of the first volume along with its confirmative topics. 
