One Who Has the Treasure …

Document Type : pajoohesh



In the present paper, the author is going to study a verse by Sa’di Shirāzi, “Ān bar sar-e ganjast ke chon noqte be konji benshinad va sargashte cho pargār nabāshad” (One who has the treasure sits in a spot like a dot, and does not wander around like a compass). Therefore, he firstly talks about the interpreters’ views upon this verse, and then express his own opinion. According to him, Sa’di had a glance at
a writing and orthography tradition of his time relying upon which he adds an artistic image to the original meaning. This image is related to the Back then, it was .”گ“ way of writing the letter common among the writers to use one or more dots in order to show the difference between the letters The author believes that the poet .”ک“ and ”گ“
used this slight difference in his choice of words in order to create a picture of the original meaning of the verse in the readers’ minds.
