Having a Look at the Theological Writings (2) A Critical Review of the Edition of Tazkiratul-Wāsilīn fi Sharh-e Nahjul-Mustarshidīn

Document Type : pajoohesh



In the present paper, the author is going to introduce and correctively criticize Tazkiratul-Wāsilīn fi Sharh-e Nahjul-Mustarshidīn, written by Abdulhamid bin A’raji Hosseini, which is a commentary on Nahjul-Mustarshidīn, a theological treatise by AllāmeHilli. This book was corrected by Tāhir al-Salāmi and published by al-Markaz al-IslamiLildirāsāt al-Istirātijiah in 1436 AH. The author first of all mentions some points about Tazkiratul-Wāsilīn, its author, and also its surviving manuscripts. Then, he is going to evaluate and criticize the presented edition of this work. Providing some examples from the corrected text, he counts the book shortcomings. 
